M.Sc Sem-2 Chemistry Syllabus for HNGU

(1) Paper-VII CHN 501 Inorganic Chemistry
(2) Paper-VIII CHN 502 Organic Chemistry
(3) Paper-IX CHN 503 Physical Chemistry
(4) Paper-X CHN 504 (A) Spectroscopy
(5) Paper-XI CHN 504(B) Computers for Chemists
(6)  Paper-XII CHN 505 Laboratory Course

              Inorganic Chemistry
              Paper-VII CHN 501 

I. Eletronic spectr and Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes

   Spectroscopic ground states, corretation, orgal and tanabe-Sugano diagrams for Iransition metal complexes (d1-d9 states). calculations of Dq, B and Bita parametes, charge transfer spectra, spectroscopic method of assignment of absolute configuration in optically activ metal chelates nad their stereochemical information, anomalous magnetic moments, magnetic exchange coupling and spin crossover

II. metal Pi-complexes

  Metal carbonyls, structure and bonding, vibrational spectra of metal carbonyls for bounding and structural elucidation, imporant reaction of metal carbonyls; preparation, bonding, structure and imporatant reactions of transition metal nitrosyl, dinitrogen and dioxygen complexes; tertiary phosphine as ligand

III. Metal Clusters

   higher boranes, caeboranes, metalloboranes and metallocarboranes, metal carbonyl and halide clusters, compounds with metal-metal multiple bonds.

IV. A Isopoly and Heteropoly Acids and salts

   B sigma bonded organo metallic compounds of transition metals classification synthesis structure, properties and applications.

  Paper-VII CHN 501 Inorganic Chemistry PDF File Download Now

      Organic Chemistry
      Paper-VIII CHN 502

I. Free Radictions

   Types of free reactions, free radical substitution mechanism, mechanism at an aromatic substrate, neighouring group assistance, reactivity for aliphatic and aromatic substrates at a bridgehead. reactivity in the attacking radicals. the effect of solvents on reactivity.
   Allytic halogenation (NBS) , oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids, auto-oxodation, coupling of alkynes and arytation of aromatic compounds by diazonium salts. sandmeyer reaction, free radical rearrangement, Hunsdiecker reaction.

II. Addition to Carbon- Hetero Multiple Bonds

   Mechanism of metal hydride reduction of saturated and unsaturated carbonyl compounds,
acids, esters and nitroles, addition of Grignard reagents. organozinc and organolithium reagents to carbonyl and unsaturated carbonyl compounds. witting reaction.
  Mechanism of condensation reactions involving enolates-- Aldol, Knoevenagel, Claisen, Mannich, Benzoin, Perkin and Stobbe reactions.
   Hydrolysis of esters and amides, ammonolysis of esters

III. Pericyclic Reactions

   Moleculs orbital symmetry, frontier orbitals of ethylene. 1,3-butadiene, 1,3,5-hexatriene and allyl system. Classification of pericyclic reactions, woodward hoffmann correlation doagrams, FMO and PMO approach, Electrocyclic reactions--conrotatory and disrotatory motions,4n, 4n+2 systems, Cycloadditions--antarafacial and suprafacial addition, 4n, and 4n+2 systems,2+2 addition of ketenes, 1,3 dipolar cycloadditions and cheleotropic reactions.

IV (A). Sigmatropic rearrangements
   Sigmatropic rearrngements--suprafacial and antarafacial shifts of H, sigmatropic shifts involving carbon moieties, 3,3 and 5,5- sigmatropic rearrangements. Claisen, cope and aza-cope rearrangements, fluxional tautomerism. Ene reaction.
    (B). Elimination Reactions
     The E2, E1 and E1cB mechanism and thier spectrum. orientation of the double bond,
Reactivity--effects of substrate structures, attacking base, the leaving group and the medium.
   Mechanism and orientation in pyrolytic elimination.

Paper-VIII 502 Organic Chemistry PDF File Download Now

    Physical Chemistry
    Paper-IX CHN 503

 Unit -I Chemical Dynamics 

   Methods of determination rate laws, collision theory of reaction rates, steric factor, activated comp;ex theory, arrhenius equation and the activated complex theory, ionic reactions, kinetic salt effects, steady state kinetic and thermodynamic control of reactions, tretment of unimolecular reactions.

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    Paper-X CHN 504(A)

Paper-X CHN 504(A) Spectroscopy Syllabus In PDF File Download Now

   Laboratory Course
   Paper-XII CHN 505

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